
The Heart and Soul of Our Ministry
We have opportunities for women, men, families, churches & businesses to volunteer!
More than 90% of the work done at Hope Women’s Center is done by our volunteers. Volunteers engage with clients by teaching classes, mentoring 1-on-1, facilitating a support group, helping women in the Women’s Boutique, assisting with special events, helping in our children’s programs, and assisting with reception.
Volunteers also support our programs “behind the scenes” by helping with yard work and facility upkeep, collecting donations, assisting with technology needs, participating on our prayer team, and recruiting the community to partner with us.
Email volunteer@hopewomenscenter.org for more information.
Volunteer as an Individual
Thank you for desiring to volunteer at Hope! We have many opportunities at one of our 6 centers across the valley!
As a faith based, trauma informed organization, we want to make sure anyone seeking to volunteer is comfortable with our mission of providing holistic care (emotional, physical, and spiritual) to the women and teen girls we serve. We look forward to getting to know you better in the volunteer application process. Please click on the "Getting Started at Hope" link below and someone will reach out to you soon!
Volunteer as a Family
Volunteering as a family is a great way to bond and help kids learn how to serve others! We have many opportunities...click the button below to find out more.
Volunteer as a Church
We're excited to have churches join us and unite together to serve the mission of Hope! Click below to find out the ways your church can partner with us.
Volunteer as a Company
We love when local companies give of their time to support Hope! Businesses can organize an in-person service opportunity OR a virtual fundraiser. Find out more below!