Get Involved
Join us and change a life.

We Need Your Help
We are always in need of volunteers & items for our Boutiques!
Our volunteers are the heart and soul of our ministry!
There are opportunities to serve daily, weekly, monthly, or for special projects. Whatever your gifts and talents, you would love to engage you in serving the women and families at Hope Women’s Center. We promise it will be a life transforming experience!
Reach out and learn more about volunteering today!
Each of Centers has a "Boutique" where women are able to obtain needed items for their families using points they have earned by attending our programs!
Everything we stock in our Boutiques are donated from the community! We always need the following items:
Shampoo/Conditioner (adult/child/baby)
Body Wash/Soap
Dish Soap (liquid)
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Kitchen Garbage bags (13 gallon)
Laundry Detergent
Cleaning Supplies
Diapers (sizes 5 & 6)
NEW packages of underwear & socks
Reach out and learn more about hosting a "Hope Drive" in your church/business/community today! Email for information!