At Hope Women’s Center, we witness countless stories of trauma to transformation, but Client J’s experience in our Teen Program is especially heartwarming. 

J’s Story

Teen Hope at WorkWhen Client J, an adult with disabilities, first came to Hope, her shyness and discomfort were evident. She would cover her face and avoid eye contact by pretending to sleep. Her mom brought her to our center after her program closed during COVID, looking for a supportive environment for her daughter.

Determined to help Client J find joy and connection, we placed her in our Teen Program. Slowly but surely, we began to see changes. As she engaged in classes, Client J’s face would light up with smiles. This happened particularly when she was involved in makeup and craft activities. Our center became her safe place. After she arrived for her classes, she would ask about her friends, excited for the day’s activities.

This month marked a significant milestone for Client J. She graduated from our Teen Hope at Work Job Prep class, earning a certificate and a new outfit. As the only participant to attend all the classes and complete the program, she was all smiles on graduation day, proudly declaring that she felt “good!”

Hope’s Teen Job Prep Course

At Hope, our Teen Job Prep Course equips teenagers with essential skills such as exploring career paths, resume building, job search strategies, and interview preparation. The program also includes guidance on professional attire, inspiring confidence in their pursuit of professional aspirations.

Client J’s story is a beautiful testament to the power of community, support, and perseverance. We are honored to be part of her journey and look forward to seeing her continue to thrive.