God is on the move at Hope Women’s Center!! We have been very busy! More and more homeless ladies are finding us and we able to offer them a shower, clean clothes and a hot meal. Often we feel challenged and inadequate when people come to us in crisis, possibly in an abusive relationship, their child is using drugs, they are addicted to drugs or alcohol, homelessness, grief and so much more. But feeling inadequate draws us to the One who can handle any crisis. Many times we pray for a solution, a quick fix, a way to stop their hurting right now! The One who knows all and sees all has a plan and sometimes that plan is a slow and healing journey. He wants more then just a quick fix, but a change in the on going cycle. This cycle has been the root of all their decisions, their will, and the emotions that have driven them for a very long time. That’s why Hope Women’s Center is here! Yes, we are here to help them get out of any immediate danger, but we are NOT a band-aid! As we engage, encourage, and equip them by providing support for their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs, we see the transforming power of our Lord!